Friday, February 27, 2009

My life now runs on cat time

There was a time when school schedules directed my life. And Husband's and children's. That was as it should be. Children grew and moved out. I grew and left Husband.

As head of household, one child lived with me while attending college. Soon, a baby joined us-- my grandchild and her nephew.

Soon, Girl Child married and left. Just this past August, Grandson moved out --and into a nearby university. My, how time flies.

Now, it's just Elizabeth Calico, twelve years old. She calls the shots now, and if I'm out of pocket or don't "mind" her silent movement toward the back door, there could be all sorts of stuff to clean up. If ignoring her is not insult enough, there are two "fixed and vaccinated" males from the feral cat family who adopted us two years ago.

Queen Elizabeth, meet Mr. Greye and Mr. Ivory. (Hey! They had to have names.) She at least tolerates their presence inside, and a snarl is enough to get the space she wants. Yep, cats call the shots at this house.


  1. Looks like you found your post. I could make some really smart comments, but I'm going to be nice. Quiet is nice once in a while. My grands are here this afternoon so quiet of no in the formula. Pappy

  2. I know I didn't type the comment like it reads. I think these programs just change a few words every now and again to make us look bad. The end of the last sentence should read " quiet is not in the formula."

  3. Just checking out your blog

