Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Someone asked for more poems: I aim to please


SENRYU: roaring down the street/ the river takes toys, trees and clothes/ there goes my gas grill!

HAIKU: during the morning/ the birdbath water/ turns to ice

FOUND SENRYU: storm salvaged:/ the small silver box/ and her knitting yarn (C. Hayworth, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

SENRYU: warming my feet/ before a fireplace that/ never needs cleaning

HAIKU: all night long/ the wind chime's atonal/ lullaby

HAIKU: a glance outside/ wind chimes are still/ but the empty swing moves

CINQUAIN: On a/ below-freezing/ February morning,/ I pluck two daffodils and two/ quince blooms.


  1. Enjoyed your poems today.

  2. Cool page of poems - -

    Can spring be far behind?

    I, too, am a poet

  3. Hi Pat. Just whizzing through my reader like I had important things to do today. You are gaining in readership. Keep up the good work. Pappy
