Monday, March 9, 2009

Miracle of Miracles: Grandson Grows Up

To whom it may concern, especially his trumpet teacher, Mr. Laubach, and Dr. Buckner, HSU music department, Mr. Webb, his high school band teacher, Mr. "P", his junior high band director, Mrs. "B", his middle school band person, and all who know and love him:

Kid Billy (18) came home Friday afternoon (to see about his malfunctioning iPhone and to wash clothes. Oh, and to get an iron and ironing board. (Wait till I pick myself up off the floor.) That done, he didn't once ask if friend Sam could come over. No, he practiced his $1700-that-he-took-out-a-loan-himself-and-purchased trumpet all evening, even while watching our new DirectTV hookup.

He is coming back to HSU early Saturday afternoon to practice, he said. "What kind of practice?" (nosy guardian/ grandmother) "Quartet." "Instrumental?" "No." He tells me he's singing first tenor in a quartet (of Phi Mu Alpha brothers) for the Miss HSU pageant next Thursday. (Pick me up again!) They are practicing at 4:30 Saturday.

Saturday morning, he arose at a decent hour and took up his trumpet again. Mr. Laubach, did you threaten him within an inch of his life if he didn't practice? Whatever/ whoever did, thankyouthankyou! Perhaps he's "turned a corner."

We can only hope.


  1. We never know the destination of the ripples from the pebbles we cast in the water. I wish mine had reached such successful shores, BLT

  2. Glad you found your post. Blogging is a lot more fun when you can actually publish what you write. Go Billy! Pappy
