Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Books at my fireside reading area: what do they indicate?

With Glory and Honor - daily devotionals with poems - Barbara Longstreth Mulkey (2002)
Meditations on the Psalms (daily) - Barbara Cawthorne Crafton - (1996)
Abundant Living (daily) - E. Stanley Jones (1942)
Kneeling in Jerusalem - Lenten poems - Ann Weems (1992)
Structuring Your Novel - how-to - Meredith & Fitzgerald (1972)
poemcrazy - writing exercises - Wooldridge (1996)
The Purpose-Driven Church - Rick Warren (1995)
Who Stole My Church? - Gordon MacDonald (2007)

Gotta go! Must get back to MacDonald's Discovery Group meetings to see what happens.


  1. Some sound very interesting. I am wondering who stole my church? Pappy

  2. The internet ate my posted comment!Maybe I`ll tackle it again when my typing finger has rested, but I did suggest that you consider adding Flannery O`Connor and Robert Service. Not deemed mandatory. The list as is is quite impressive. BLT
