Friday, March 6, 2009

March 6 of various years: haiku booklet entries

the sun catcher
in an east window sparkles
this winter morning
~~ from sweetness of the apple (2009)

before daffodil
or purple martin
killer tornado
~~from connecting our houses (1997)
(co-author, Dot McLaughlin, NJ)

two feet of snow there
yet the geese fly northward
early March dawn
~~from along the pasture fence (2005)
~~publ. in the premier edition
of Hermitage (Romania, 2004)

a gray-haired bagger
she asks the 30-something
if he needs help out
~~from Measuring March (2003)

basking in the sun
shedding one pair of socks ...
and then another
~~from lighting a candle (2008)
~~publ. in Haiku Headlines
(Jan 2006)

1 comment:

  1. Five faithful followers and who knows how many silent lurkers. Great blogging Pat. Always enjoy the poetry. Have a great Sunday. Pappy
