Saturday, April 25, 2009

After taxes were finished, the yard beckoned

Dazed by the strenuousness (mental) of doing my own taxes, I walked around for three days inside the house doing odd jobs--packing winter clothes, filling boxes with things ARC could use in their thrift store; taking plants outside-- you know the drill. Mom's old, old shorty curtain sets from the dining room and sunroom went in the box, unworn-during-the-current-season clothes, dishes, odd silverware, an extra glass platter, knick knacks from a deceased aunt given by her son and his wife. Stuff like that.
Then the acre yard began growing like... crazy (that's all I can do on a Saturday night). I charged the Black & Decker weedeater each night so I could trim selected areas around bushes, beds, trees and large white rocks that I begged from the church leaders when they dug for a new septic system. (I gave the church a donation to a specialty fund that needed contributions.)
So here are my excuses for not "visiting" my blog more often. I'll try to do better. Wait. Better for whom? Anyway, I started this blogging thing, so I'll try to keep keeping on. That also includes the yard and rearranging the living room for the summer. Later, pl

1 comment:

  1. I've been patiently waiting. Glad to see your name pop up again on my reader. I'm going to try and tackle my office one day in the near future. I wrecked it during tax prep looking for things I needed. Did you finish the novel? How was Lucidity? Have a great week. Pappy
